September 19, 2016


It is not only wise but more or less obligatory to address your target group in their mother tongue, if you are (planning on) tackling the German speaking market. Do not, however, underestimate the intricacies of translating a text, not only word by word but also embedded into the cultural context of the target language. The secret lies in understanding and knowing the specific terms, commonly used idioms, allusions, and puns – because these are the elements of a language that add colour and spice to a text.

I write and copyedit in English, and I also translate from English to German, such as:

  • your website
  • leaflets and flyers et cetera
  • correspondence
  • literary texts
  • academic writing
  • legal texts and contracts.

Expand your horizons with a multilingual presence. Conquer the German speaking countries today, tomorrow the whole world!

Translators: daring warriors who attack the Tower of Babel.Albert Camus