Supervision and voiceover for Jungheinrich testimonial video at BMW
For BMW in Landshut, they’ve recently designed and implemented a fully automated solution for transporting goods from the production floor to storage and back.
For BMW in Landshut, they’ve recently designed and implemented a fully automated solution for transporting goods from the production floor to storage and back.
If I wasn’t a Nintendo 3DS fan before, I definitely am now. There’s sooooooooo many cool 3DS games out there. AND I loved the brief but nevertheless fascinating history on the famous Nintendo console. Now I just need to apply for “Who wants to be a Millionaire” and I’m all set 🙂 Check out and Read more about translation de-en of the games emag TRIPLEPLAY[…]
Wissen ist Macht – das wussten schon die Dichter und Denker der Aufklärung. Diesem Motto verpflichtet, fördert der eLearning Africa Scholarship Trust Bildungsangebote und -fachkräfte in Afrika und organisiert Messen und Events, um u.a. die Vorteile des technologiebasierten Lernens für den afrikanischen Kontinent zu unterstützen. Eine gute Sache.
This is what I love about my job: I keep learning lots of interesting stuff. You can definitely never know and learn enough about communication skills. And if you need some help, why not go to media coach Angela Michael?
The Hamburg Foundation for Politically Persecuted People is an organisation on a mission to help and support courageous people who in their home countries face political persecution and in many cases even death threats. A worthy cause that I gladly work for.
… for everyone! Find out, what moves me and the worlds of words and videos. By the way: I LOVE this logo. So disco 🙂 Thanks to Claudia from Extenso!